Data is Overrated and Useless?

Data is Overrated and Useless?

There must be a reason why teen apps like “Gas” are blowing up. And perhaps the enterprise digital products could learn a thing or two from them. Let me challenge the notion “data is king” as we have probably been thinking about the data-driven products wrong.

Remote FTE engineers vs Outside Software Vendor.  7 reasons why ☝️

Remote FTE engineers vs Outside Software Vendor. 7 reasons why ☝️

People don’t wanna commute back to the office! And why would they?” - Dave, VP of Product of one clients was telling me in 2022. Their HR was arguing with department leaders about getting people back to their offices. People rebelled. They eventually settled on just Friday. One day a week! Their Tribeca office has now become an even bigger liability. The world of perfect office attendance changed drastically with the pandemic. Many businesses were forced to make unprecedented changes, especial

Counterportation. Why your MLM needs to pay attention

Counterportation. Why your MLM needs to pay attention

Did you like “Interstellar”, the movie about wormholes? Good, because If your company is still mastering web 1.0, I’m afraid it’s time to speed up. My pick today is this new technology that will become the standard within a few years and will change the game of business communication like Matthew McConaughey changed his image of rom-com silly boy to the ultimate drama hero. So pay attention, my friends. The tech in question is called counterportation. Counterportation is a quantum breakthrough

Alex PshenianykovStory

One critical principle most software development companies will miss in times of crisis

"As a software development company, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget to keep track of one very simple, yet ultra-important variable: that the work you’re doing is actually important"

What's our destination, Captain?

What's our destination, Captain?

I was aboard a ship in Europe, which is not typically my favorite way to spend time, but this particular voyage was an exception as it was for my friend's pre-wedding celebration. We were enjoying ourselves while admiring the stunning French Riviera. It wasn't a long sea expedition or a formal cruise, just a leisurely sail along the coastline. I approached the captain to offer him a drink, but he declined, appearing calm and serious at the moment. Despite the fact that it was just a middle-size

Data is Overrated and Useless?

Data is Overrated and Useless?

There must be a reason why teen apps like “Gas” are blowing up. And perhaps the enterprise digital products could learn a thing or two from them. Let me challenge the notion “data is king” as we have probably been thinking about the data-driven products wrong.

Alex PshenianykovStory

Why Your Company Should Wait Until Fall 2023 to Use Ai

If today's Ai were a priest, it would be the worst priest in town. For once, it wouldn't honor the sacrament of confession.

Alex PshenianykovStory

One critical principle most software development companies will miss in times of crisis

"As a software development company, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget to keep track of one very simple, yet ultra-important variable: that the work you’re doing is actually important"

Alex PshenianykovStory

Why "Technology" becomes the biggest variable in Direct Sales in 2023

You know how BMW owners will never buy a Mercedes and vice versa? Well, when I needed to buy Creatine this morning, I went on Amazon. Out of the crazy variety of brands, I eyed 2 that I recognized. Onnit was one of them and it was supposed to be the most expected choice for me, since I have tried many of their products already. But I didn't want to take creatine twice a day as Onnit suggested. I wanted a one-shot powdered solution. And Thorne had one. So I went with it. Even though I've never tr